Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Teeth ):

My mouth HURTS!!!!!! because i just got two teeth pulled out ! OUCH!!!!!!!!!
it's feeling a little better now... first i went into the dentist office we waited...the they called me in and i sat in the chair... the put this thing-tube  looking thing on my nose... i had laughing gas in it (which DOES NOT make you Laugh) i was supposed to relax me. and it did... it made me tear up a little but that was because it was leaking a little...then they put this stuff in my mouth that made my jaws num and they gave me shots... in my gum... now THAT hurt!!! then poked around in my mouth a little... finally they pulled the first tooth out... it didn't hurt but the second one did!!! and OUCH did it hurt!!!
but every thing feels A LOT better!!!
so i'm fine...
<3 Sarah

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