Tuesday, February 7, 2012

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i am sorry!!!

I am sorry it hurt!!!I don't know what it feels like because i have never been to the dentist
OR the doctor,but i will have to get braces when i am 21.
So,NOT looking forward to THAT!!! As you can see,my teeth don't look normal.
Was there something wrong with your teeth or something?
Laughing gas is not supposed to make you laugh?Hmmmmmmm
Well,I have to go!
Miss you!!!!

p.s. do you like the new template?I figured it out!!!(as you can see)


  1. you've NEVER been to the doctors !!!!!!!! i go every year! and to the dentist
    are you sure you've never been???????
    <3 Sarah

  2. I am POSITIVE!!!!You go every year?????
    WOW!!!I am healthy,aren't i!!!!
