Friday, July 6, 2012

The story of when our electricity went out

I will tell you the story of when our electricity went out.
Here is the story:
So i was in bed,when i heard my fan turn off. I thought it was my sister that turned it off
but i wondered why she would turn off the fan. Then it turned back on,and off.
This went on for quite a while. Then,Finally i saw the hall light turn off.
It was then when i heard the storm. Then i heard a loud bang.(i don't think you people
in Texas have a lot of trees there,But our house is surrounded with them.)
I thought i tree was about to fall on our house so i got out of bed and went downstairs.
Some of you may know that our parents were in Texas(we live in Maryland)And then,
(Perfect timing)My sister told me that there was a Murderer on the loose.
It was like the middle of the night,so you would expect it to be dark.
The sky was like a red-ish color. It was kind of strange so we thought there
was going to be a tornado. Then it started hailing a little smaller that a ping pong ball.
And,of course it like the hottest week of the year,and we didn't have and AC.
The next day was fine we all just hung out in our Basement and our neighbors
came over and we played a bunch of their games because we all had nothing to do
and our games were all packed away. The next day Some things started to stink.
The next day,we were all starving because their was nothing to eat,and then my sister
tried to make spaghetti on the grill but we didn't know how to grill. Then,
Just when everything was about to fall apart,My sister's friend came over with her
mom and a bunch of doughnuts. We were so happy to see them. Then they took us out
to lunch,then(they had AC)we went to their house because every time i went upstairs I would start
sweating the first minute. Then we went to my brother and sister in law's house,and stayed their
until my parents came home. And Guess what???!!!!! When we came back,the electricity came
back on!!!! Soooo,you might say that we lived happily ever after.
The electricity was out from Friday night,to Wednesday night.

Thanks for reading!!!